Sunday, June 30, 2013

Thing 10: School Wikis

When I was first reading through this assignment, I wasn't sure how a school wiki would work.  In browsing through the examples, I realized it is basically a class/teacher website, but can be edited by other users.  This could be such a useful tool for collaboration and enrichment between parents and students in the library or in the classroom.

In my school district, we currently use Google Sites for our classroom webpages.  I was unsure if it had wiki capabilities so I started to investigate.  Sure enough you can change the settings for accessing and sharing information.  I have honestly only done the bare minimum to my classroom Google sites page, but if possible I would like to try making it a wiki.  When we go back in August, I will have to check with our school TIS if there are any district restrictions to doing this.

Thing 9: Useful Library Blogs

In my previous searches, I had found several blogs using the Edublogs Awards List.  It was very easy to add these blogs to Pulse.  All I had to do was click on add content and type the name of the blog or key words, and it found the blog very easily.

I have added Brad's Blog (which I had mentioned in Thing 8), The Adventures of Library Girl, and Watch.Connect.Read to my news feed.  These bloggers are truly inspiring, and I look forward to reading about their journeys.

Thing 8: RSS Feeds

In my search of RSS Readers, I realized I had been using Pulse and Flipboard on my Kindle for over a year.  I just didn't realize they were RSS Readers. HA!

When I started using these readers, I never actually subscribed to anything, but during the initial start up the Readers asked me to select things I'm interested in.  From that it selected materials, they thought I would like.  Great mind readers!! Now I have imported my feeds from Google Reader to these RSS Readers so no need to worry after July 1st.  Just to be extra cautious I also joined Feedly and imported my Google Readers feeds into that too.  Problem solved!

In my search of mentor blogs, I found a post from a blogger/teacher who used Pulse on iPads with his class. Cool learning, Dynamically delivered, RSS feeds for Upper Elementary What a great way to incorporate technology, current new, and student interests!! This blogger has also recommended feeds that he uses with his students.  Our district will be issuing Dell Tablets to every teacher and student next school year, and this is definitely something I would like to try with my students!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thing 7: Blog Searching

Today I'm browsing through Technorati.  I like the idea of being able to search for other blogs, but I just don't see myself using it very often.  Looking through the tags and the Top 100 list, is definitely has a lot to offer.  When I did a couple searches, it was able to find blogs related to my key terms.  It also includes articles related to the page topics.  My big issue is the appearance of the site.  It is too busy and overwhelming for me.  There is just so much information on every page, and I was getting lost in it.  I like websites that are simple and clearly organized.  I'm sure Technorati can be very useful, but in my brief search I just don't think it's for me.

Thing 6: Tagging is an AWESOME web tool!! There are way too many webpages in my bookmarks list, and it's basically not functional.  This is definitely something I will be using.  I'm not the most organized person and I'm just too lazy to sort my bookmarks in folders.  I like how this can be sorted by tags and you can also create tag bundles.  I also love that you can access it on any computer at anytime.  Now I won't have to worry if I saved it to my school computer or home computer.  I also like that you can follow other people, and see what they have tagged.  This is so helpful professionally.  There have been several times that a coworker has emailed a link, but that email gets lost in my inbox.  If we follow each other on Delicious, then I can access what they have used.  I wish I could use Delicious on my phone too, but unfortunately they only have an app for iPhone users and I'm an Android user.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thing 5: Social Networking

I have been a member of Facebook since 2008.  When MySpace was popular, I use to think it was ridiculous and didn't understand why it was so popular.  My cousin constantly kept recommending Facebook.  Out of boredom after Hurricane Ike, I decided to sign up and I've been hooked ever since.

I'm not someone who constantly posts and updates, but I do upload a lot of pictures of my son because I want to share them with my friends and family. My husband doesn't like that I do this. He feels like Grant's whole life is there for the world to see even with secured privacy settings.  I understand his point, but several of my friends and family are on Facebook, and it's a fast and easy way to share what's going on in our lives.  I try not to be one of those people who explodes the news feed, but when I have a cute picture or an accomplishment to share, I'll post it.

I liked the Freeman Public Library in Clear Lake and Helen Hall Public Library in League City.  Grant loves going to story time at so we attend regularly.

I tried to search if any library in Clear Creek had a Facebook page, but surprisingly I didn't find any.  I could understand why an elementary librarian would be hesitant since I don't believe children should have Facebook accounts.  However I think this would be a great way to communicate with parents and teachers.  The librarian could remind them when books are due or upcoming events.  Our school PTA has a Facebook page, and I see parents communicating all the time.

I am a member of Pinterest, but don't use it often.  I have some fabulous "do it yourself" projects pinned that I hope to try one day!

Thing 4: RSS and Newsreaders

When I first started this thing, I didn't know what an RSS was watched the YouTube video RSS in Plain English.  I signed up for Google Reader even though it said it would be disabled on July 1, 2013 because I read that it would be copied into Feedly.  As I started subscribing to feeds, I was playing around the with explore functions and wanted to see recommended items.  What interested me most was that you could "sort by magic".  As I researched I found this just means that it will find and sort what is most popular and interesting.  Once you start "liking" things, the program will be able to generate lists in an order that is more relevant to you.   It's going to be able read my mind...interesting and scary!

I enjoy cooking and often use recipes from The Pioneer Woman so I subscribed to her cooking feed.  This was much easier to use then her actual website because it is not busy with advertisements and unnecessary pictures or recommendations.  The Pioneer Woman blogs about homeschooling, home decor and a bunch of other stuff I don't care about.  I really just like her recipes so it very nice that this feed will only relate to cooking.

As I continue to look at more sites, I will look for the RSS icon.  I've seen the icon or subscribe button many times before but didn't realize that's what is was.  Now I can add it to my Google Reader!  We are always looking for something more convenient and RSS Feeds definitely do this.

Thing 3: More Photo Sharing

Using Yogile I was able to create a slide show of some favorite moments of our Disney Vacation.  My parents were with us, and of course, took several pictures with their cameras and phones.  Instead of sending a text, emailing, or borrowing the memory card from the camera,  my parents can share and add to this album just by clicking on the link provided.

Grant's 1st Disney Vacation

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thing 2: Photos and Images

My husband and I are constantly taking pictures as we try to document all our son's first big moments.  We like to use Picasa because it is linked with our Gmail accounts and have found it very useful to share albums with our families using Google+.

I love the look of amazement on Grant's face in this picture! We took our first family vacation to Disney and this was expression during one of the parades.  From the rest of the pictures I'm sure you can tell how much he loved it!

Thing 1: Blogging

Hi! My name is Glenda!  I am a graduate student in the school library media program at UHCL.  This summer I am taking Media and Technology Selection and Application.  As a class project I have created this blog to document 23 "things" (Internet and Web 2.0 tools) that I have researched.  I am excited to explore and experiment with different "things"!

A little bit more about my self... I am a wife, mother and teacher.  My supportive husband is encouraging me every step of the way and my adorable son is my constant motivation.  I was a 4th grade teacher for seven years, but this next school year I will be teaching 4th & 5th Resource.  While change can be intimidating, I am looking forward to the change and the new opportunities that lie ahead.